'Palette': New exhibition offers exposure to student artists

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New Delhi, Jul 16 (PTI) From the hair-raising image of a man reflecting the 'death anxiety' of the pandemic to the one of a woman wearing bright red colour lipstick and nail paint celebrating the power of 'feminine', a new no-holds barred exhibition here showcases over 200 art works by 22 budding artists.

Titled "Palette… An Artist's Odyssey", the two-day event, which began on Saturday at the Stainless Steel Gallery here, features the mixed media artwork of the high school students of the art school.

Organised by EdNet School of Art & Design -- the art wing of EdNet Consultants -- the exhibition aims to target young spectators, aspiring artists, art critics and art enthusiasts.

It explores the different techniques of art, ranging from charcoal, linocut, water colours, paper mache, oil paints, pen and pastels, and more.

“We are delighted to be able to host our first edition of 'Palette' this year. Through this two-day convention, we aim to promote art, our one true religion, and help open the doors for talented and aspiring artists," said Niharika Sondhi, MD of EdNet Consultants in a statement.

"Through the event, we will exhibit the eclectic, thought provoking, and honest works of our current students of Grade 12. I believe that the young minds are the most fertile and need to be nurtured gently so that they understand and reach their own potential," she added.

While the first day witnessed art tours and symposiums by eminent art personalities, the second day will give guests the chance to attend a full-day art workshop on the basics of painting and sketching such as block printing on fabric with rendering, craft central using origami and waste materials.

"Through the medium of these workshops, EdNet aims to teach their art philosophy rather than just showcase it. International artists, such as Giovanni Ottonello of IED Milano, will also be holding live workshops on day two. These engaging workshops will be open to all who wish to dip their toes in the creative waters," the organisers said.

EdNet Consultants, founded in 2002, places students in top universities across the globe including Ivy League colleges at both undergraduate and graduate levels. PTI MG SHD SHD
