Why BJP is cautious over possible entry of Vikramaditya Singh within its ranks?

Niraj Sharma
New Update
Himachal Pradesh Congress leader Vikramaditya Singh (File image)

Himachal Pradesh Congress leader Vikramaditya Singh (File image)

New Delhi: The Bharatiya Janata Party is known to woo political leaders with a future, even those who hail from the opposition's ranks. Over the past few days there has been speculation that Himachal Pradesh minister Vikramaditya Singh may join saffron ranks.

However, the joining is not likely to be so easy as the BJP is treading cautiously on the issue. It is believed that though Vikramaditya has promised to bring along about a dozen odd supporters along with himself to the saffron camp, the BJP leadership is unwilling to risk making any commitments to him as yet.

The party has already burnt its fingers during the Sachin Pilot fiasco in Rajasthan a couple of years ago and is unwilling to see its repetition in Himachal Pradesh.

Sources stated that top BJP leaders are in touch with Vikramaditya but are wary as he is not totally dependable. "A similar interest was shown by him a few months back. However, he was unable to bring on board adequate numbers to ensure regime change in Himachal Pradesh. So the plan was shelved," sources pointed out. This time Vikramaditya has been told directly to ensure numbers before even thinking of making such a move, they added.

The BJP wants to make sure that Vikramaditya is able to bring the requisite numbers. If the party suffers a defeat in forthcoming Assembly polls, this would be one move that would ensure its grabbing of power in another replacement state for BJP, sources added.

Sukhu making life difficult for Vikramaditya?

By repeatedly pressurising and not giving adequate space to Vikramaditya in state Congress, it is believed that Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu is seemingly pushing the senior leader to BJP's awaiting arms.

The continuous fight between the two top leaders is also causing an embarrassment for the grand old party.  With almost 96 percent of the total population of the state adhering to the Hindu faith, Vikramaditya has become a champion of the cause while pushing Sukhu on the backfoot.

Vikramaditya was one of the few top leaders to visit Ram Janmbhoomi Temple in Ayodhya after its pran pratishtha, despite the Congress' top leadership staying away from the temple. Moreover, his recent stand on issue of shop owners putting up names in front of their businesses has also not gone down well with the party high command.

These moves have also ensured that while keeping Sukhu on tenterhooks, Vikramaditya has made it next to impossible for the party to act against him. Any action against him and allegations of being anti Hindu will stick, sources said.

However, party leaders believe, this game of chess between the two leaders needs to be stopped immediately.

Unless the top leaders of the grand old party steps in and resolve issues between the two, the Congress may be saying goodbye to another state government soon.
