Dennis Tito, world's first space tourist, signs up for a ride around the moon

Moksha Wadhwa
New Update
Dennis Tito (File photo)

New Delhi: 82-year-old American Engineer, Dennis Tito who became the world’s first space tourist in mid-2001 has once again signed up for another mission-only this time, he has signed up for a ride around the moon.

The retired engineer wants to relive the joy of his first trip to the international space station.

Now that Tito is living a retired life he Is interested in taking a 10-minute-long flight to the edge of space just like he did 21 years ago. It’s going to be one of those “been there, done that” kinda moments for Tito.

While the date of the exciting trip is yet to be determined, a few details of this spin around this moon have already been revealed.

Tito along with her wife Akiko and 10 others will be flying aboard with him on Elon Musk’s Starship.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Tito said “We have to keep healthy for as many years as it’s going to take for SpaceX to complete this vehicle.”

He even said, “I might be sitting in a rocking chair, not doing any good exercise if it wasn’t for this mission.”

Tito is the second billionaire who made a reservation with Starship for a spin around the moon.

In 2018 Japanese fashion tycoon Yusaku Maezawa made a reservation with Starship booking an entire flight to take eight people with him.

While both of them flew to the space station from Kazakhstan atop Russian rockets, there was a gap of 20 years between their flights.

For all we know, all the people involved in this ride will be paying loads of money for this ride but it will truly be once in a lifetime opportunity for many of them.
