
Speedy asteroid making its way to earth today!

This 52- foot asteroid is expected to fly past the planet today i.e. November 21st 2022 from a distance of 4.2 million kilometres

Moksha Wadhwa
New Update
Asteroid Nasa Earth

Representative Image

New Delhi: Although quite a few asteroids already passed by closely through the Earth, another massive and rather dangerous one could move today.


Whenever asteroids have crashed on the Earth's surface, they've left quite an impact. Be it the Chelyabinsk disaster which claimed many lives or the asteroid which led to the extinction of dinosaurs millions of years ago.

Nasa keeps a close eye watch on the movements of these asteroids by studying data provided by various telescopes and observatories including PAN-STARRS, the Catalina Sky Survey and the Neowise telescope.

This time, Nasa has issued an alert against this massive Asteroid 2022 WD. This 52- foot asteroid is expected to fly past the planet today i.e. November 21st 2022 from a distance of 4.2 million kilometres.

The planet is already making its way to the planet with a speed of 23852 km per hour. Although it is expected that the asteroid won't have an impact on the Earth, a slight deviation in its path due to the gravitational field might lead to catastrophic consequences.

According to NASA, Asteroid 2022 WD belongs to the Apollo group of asteroids named after the humongous 1862 Apollo Asteroid found by German astronomer Karl Reinmuth in the 1930s.
