New Delhi, Sep 3 (PTI) Delhi Police has arrested three people, including the driver of a businessman, for allegedly making extortion calls months after kidnapping him for ransom of Rs 3,40,000, in outer north Delhi's Narela area, officials said on Tuesday.
The officials said two of the suspects -- Vinay (30) and Vijay (31) -- were held following an exchange of fire with the police on Tuesday early morning while the businessman's driver, identified as Sarvan (31), was arrested later in the day.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (outer north) Ravi Kumar Singh said a complaint was received from Rajiv Singh, who runs a business at Anaj Mandi in Narela, regarding extortion calls to him on August 28. Rajiv Singh alleged that he received a call on his mobile from an unknown number who threatened him and demanded Rs 4 lakh.
The officer said that the complainant didn’t tell anybody about this incident because they had threatened him and his family. When they started calling him again, he discussed this with his friends and family and decided to file a complaint, he added.
Another officer said a dedicated team of special staff led by Inspector Pawan Singh was formed and it listened to the extortion calls to identify the accused.
On a tip-off, the team laid a trap near the Raja Harish Chandra Hospital in Narela on Tuesday early morning. On seeing policemen, Vinay opened fire at them, after which police retaliated and Vinay sustained injury in his left knee, according to police. PTI ALK ALK MNK MNK