Mumbai, Sep 9 (PTI) Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde-led Shiv Sena will soon launch 'Ladki Bahin Kutumb Bhet Abhiyaan', a campaign aimed at connecting with one crore women, party leader Sanjay Nirupam said on Thursday.
The move comes ahead of state assembly polls, which are likely to be held in October-November.
Nirupam said 50,000 party workers will be engaged for the campaign, under which the party has strategically targeted 70 to 80 assembly constituencies, with each worker reaching out to 10 women in their designated areas.
The campaign, which is the brainchild of Shiv Sena MP Shrikant Shinde, is aimed at ensuring the continued implementation of the state government's Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana, he said.
Every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, party workers will visit homes, with a goal of reaching 5 lakh women daily and 60 lakh women by the end of the month.
A dedicated mobile app equipped with geo-tracking features to monitor the workers' progress and record their interactions has been developed for this initiative.
Through this app, feedback from women beneficiaries about the scheme will be collected, and if necessary, registrations will be facilitated on the spot.
Speaking on Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray giving the function to unveil late Congress leader Patangrao Kadam a miss, Nirupam alleged it was a conspiracy between Congress and the NCP to isolate the former chief minister politically.
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar were present at the event in Sangli. PTI PR BNM