New Delhi, Sep 5 (PTI) Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai on Thursday said that the government will focus on the 21-point Winter Action Plan, as pollution levels in the city peak during the cold months.
A joint meeting was held with 35 key departments, including the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), Delhi Police, Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC), Public Works Department (PWD), and Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), among others. During the meeting, the officials discussed strategies to implement a more robust plan this year, Rai said. In a press conference, Rai said, "Like last year, the government is committed to addressing pollution, especially during the winter months when it peaks. This time, we will focus on new measures as part of the 21-point Winter Action Plan." Rai said that in preparation for the upcoming winter, the government has begun working on an enhanced version of its winter action plan. Last year, the government implemented a comprehensive 15-point action plan to reduce pollution.
He also said, "Ever since the Kejriwal government came into power, there has been a noticeable reduction in pollution levels across the capital." PTI NSM HIG