Mumbai: The Maharashtra government has extended till September 30 the deadline for enrolment under the Ladki Bahin Yojana, a scheme that provides Rs 1,500 to underprivileged women as stipend per month, Women and Child Development Minister Aditi Tatkare has said.
The enrolment under the scheme was initially until July 31 which was extended to August 31 due to high volume of applications from potential beneficiaries.
Given the overwhelming response to the scheme, the cut-off date for submitting applications by eligible women has been extended to September 30, Tatkare said.
The Mukhya Mantri Ladki Bahin Yojana, a flagship scheme of the Eknath Shinde-led government for women's welfare, was announced in the state budget presented in June-end. It is expected to cost the state exchequer Rs 46,000 crore annually.
Under the scheme, married, divorced, and destitute women aged 21-65 will receive Rs 1,500 per month with the annual family income of beneficiaries capped at Rs 2.5 lakh.
The constituents of the ruling coalition -- the BJP, the NCP and the Shiv Sena -- have been extensively promoting the scheme ahead of the assembly polls likely to be held in November.