Shimla, Sep 2 (PTI) The Himachal Pradesh Assembly on Monday introduced a bill to include all plots measuring over 1,000 square metres under the Town and Country Planning Act.
The bill aims to address the widespread loss of life and property, especially during the monsoon, according to the draft bill document.
The bill also covers plots outside the jurisdictions of Town and Country Development Authority and Special Area Development Authority, government bodies which oversee town and country planning in cities and suburbs.
The Himachal Pradesh Town and Planning (Amendment) Bill 2024, introduced by Town and Country Minister Rajesh Dharmani, proposes to amend the Himachal Town and Country Planning Act of 1977 by reducing the minimum plot size covered under the Act from 2,500 square metres to 1,000 square metres.
The state incurred huge losses during the monsoon last year and this year as well.
To prevent landslides and building collapses, the bill emphasises the need for strong foundations, structural stability, and proper drainage, which can be ensured by bringing more buildings under the Town and Planning Act. PTI BPL RPA