Promotion file for signal engineers goes missing from Rail Bhavan, ministry in action

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New Delhi, Feb 2 (PTI) The promotion file of the 2015 batch of the Indian Railway Service signal engineers has gone missing from the Confidential Cell of Railway Board's chairman and chief executive officer, prompting the authorities to issue a 'search memo', sources said on Sunday.

According to the search memo dated January 24, the Confidential Cell has intimated the file on the "Junior Administrative Grade Panel of 2015 allotment year officers of The Indian Railway Service of Signal Engineers (IRSSE)" is untraceable.

The sources said the file might be containing the promotion-related documents of more than 200 JAG officials of the Signal Department.

"Section Officers, In-Charges, PSOs, Sr. PPSs, PSs, PAs and Stenos are requested to please make a thorough search for the above-mentioned file in their respective Branches/Sections/Officers' rooms," the memo said.

It added, "The result of the search may be intimated either to the General Branch or to the branch concerned latest by 29.01.2025 positively." According to the sources, the said file is still untraceable.

The Railway Board's Executive Director (Information and Publicity) Dilip Kumar didn't respond to PTI's queries on the matter.

When contacted, Signal and Telecom Union office-bearers expressed surprise on such confidential documents going missing from CRB & CEO Confidential Cell which, according to them, suggested poor management and unsafe handling of sensitive papers.

"If senior officials' files go missing from sensitive departments like this, imagine the mishandling of other important documents. The career and promotional prospects of these officials rest in that file and if it cannot be found, it will cause a huge problem for the concerned department," said Indian Railway S&T Maintainers' Union general secretary Alok Chandra Prakash. PTI JP TIR TIR