Bengaluru, Sept 5 (PTI) Actor Chetan Kumar Ahimsa, the founder of Film Industry for Rights and Equality (FIRE), the organisation that is pushing the Karnataka government to form a panel similar to that of Justice Hema Committee, to probe sexual and other abuses in the film industry, said this time it feels different than in 2018.
“For one, there is much more sensitivity in the media. And there is an overarching support from the public. This has put more pressure on the existing power structure. Just look, all those people who huffed and puffed last time, they all are mum now. So, yes, we want to push this momentum to heighten the awareness around the issue here too,” said Ahimsa to PTI.
Ahimsa and a few other representatives of FIRE, including actor Sruthi Hariharan, one of the most vocal voices heard in the Kannada film industry during the #metoo wave, met the chief minister of Karnataka, Siddaramaiah on Thursday.
They submitted their memorandum urging the government to form a committee similar to the one that is bringing about changes in the Kerala film industry.
Ahimsa said what is happening right now in the Kerala film industry is the much-needed push to shake the unregulated and self-serving way the film industry operates.
“The system is built in such a way that it is stacked against women and is structurally flawed. Setting this right is a long, long way off. Only strong punishment associated with such abuses will bring about gender justice. But we have to begin somewhere,” added According to him, for now, even starting a discourse where a majority of people listen to what women have to say, is a huge step in that direction.
“But for that we need the government backing us. We need conscious minds to come together. We need to understand that this is not just a man-woman issue. Only step by step we can create that kind of awareness,” added Ahimsa.
Meanwhile, addressing reporters, Siddaramaiah acknowledged that he received memorandums from the film industry urging him to form a committee led by a retired judge.
“We will review their demands,” he said. PTI JR ROH